composite helmets index


CG634 - original version.

CDA CG634 side.jpg

CDA CG634 in.jpg

CG634 in.jpg

CG634 net.jpg

CG634 cover.jpg

 CDA CG 634 large, scrim.jpg

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CG634 - original version - a well-used example












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CG634 - revised version





rear screw pad.jpg


 "There is a new version of the Canadian CG634 helmet being issued now (2010).  The differences from the first version are as follows:
1.  the band around the rim of the helmet is no longer black plastic.  It is now a harder material and the same colour as the rest of the helmet.
2.  there is a foam rubber pad over the screw that holds the chin strap assembly to the rear of the helmet."

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Side views of both CG634 variants

CDA CG634 side.jpgleft.JPG

Original service version LEFT - New version RIGHT.


CG634 - special edition for MFO




CDA PASGT Multinational Force and Observers  cover.jpg



This helmet caused some surprise when was presented on Ebay in January 2013. The seller was in Austria, and had a number to hand.

Roger Lucy - "My best guess is that it may be intended for the Multinational Force and Observers in the Sinai Multinational Force and Observers which is a non-UN observer mission set up after the Israeli withdrawal. I have an orange-coloured PASGT cover for them, although making a dedicated orange helmet seems a bit extreme. Also the helmet lacks any CF contract numbers or NSNs, also the label is unilingual which is a no-no for Canadian DND procurement.

It may be a sales sample aimed at a foreign or security market. Gallet (before MSA gobbled it up) was trying to shop the CG634 around (I recall Gallet having a stand at the CANSEC equipment shows here in the early 2000s but the helmet is designed around Canadian kit (body armour, respirator comms), and I am not aware of any foreign procurement of the CG634."

Chris Johnson contacted the seller for more information; "This is the information that I just received from the seller (he is located in Austria) - "The helmet is designed for international civilian organisations. I know that this helmet was used during the war in Kosovo 1999. There it was important to distinguish the different actors. Apparently many helmets of those organisations never left the storage since they are in perfect conditions."

Roger Lucy - "That's very interesting, it seems plausible.Of course if they were shipped to Europe in back then, Gallet should have applied for an export permit, and in fact failed to seek one (I was looking after Canadian strategic export controls at the time so am in a position to know). The use sounds plausible.I don't know what civilian organization uses orange. I present a PASGT cover made for service with the Multinational Force and Observers. It's well made, along the lines of an issue cover, with velcro fastened tabs and all,  but it's not factory-made, presumably because demand is too low for a production line.

It is apparent after some research that the force colours of the MFO are/were terra-cotta (which we mistakenly took for 'orange'! - but it might be what is also known as 'International Orange' which is a internationally-recognised High Visibility colour) so at the moment this is the best guess for the purpose of these helmets. Of course one of you may know more and better...


Photographs supplied by
CHRIS JOHNSON (helmet) and ROGER LUCY (MFO cover)


BARRDAY experimental and test helmets

"Here are photos of the Barrday helmet in several variations; it was made of Spectra (except the odd example which has PASGT liner and chin-strap which seems to have been made of kevlar).

Following an acquisition process, begun in 1981, which led to trials of various helmets types, the evolution of a helmet design was put out to tender. The winning bid went to the Barrday Co. of Cambridge, Ontario, which between 1988 and 1990 produced 3,625 helmets for ballistic, engineering and user trials. Bodies were fabricated from both woven or unidirectional Spectra (Dyneema) fibres.

While the Barrday helmet seems to have performed well ballistically, the field trials, which took place in 1989 and 1990, identified significant shortcomings with the foam liner (based it seems on that of a hockey helmet), in particular severe discomfort from excessive heat build-up. A number of the Barrday helmets (now designated P-2 Soldiers' Helmets) were retrofitted with M-1 cradle suspensions and new trails were held in 1991 (pictures of both types) . While the heat problem was resolved, and the helmet was almost fielded, the Barrday helmet proved incompatible with existing and future equipment, such as the C4 respirator, the Slimgard head-set, the C7A1 optical sight; night vision equipment and the new Canadian armoured vest. There were also quality control problems - reportedly "delamination" of the bodies under field conditions. The contract was cancelled in 1992.

The Barrday helmet had flatter sides and a higher back than the PASGT, which it superficially resembles, a rather complex three-point chin-strap and nape support and weighs between 1.2 - 1.6 kg. Some were issued for Peacekeeping missions (RCMP in Bosnia, Royal Canadian Dragoons in Somalia) and Barrday has also tried to sell the helmet commercially (which is why it is hard to get much information about the helmet's trials - Barrday won't, it seems, allow the release of any information.)" -  Roger Lucy

Barrday X90 right.jpg

Barrday X90

 Barrday X90 rear.jpg

Barrday X90  

Barrday X90 in.jpg

Barrday X90

CDA Barrday CS2.jpg

Barrday foam in.jpg

Barrday foam liner

Barrday in.jpg

Barrday interior

Barrday left.jpg

Barrday left


Barrday PASGT liner right.jpg

Barrday PASGT liner right

Barrday PASGT Liner in.jpg

Barrday PASGT Liner

Barrday x88 2434 in.jpg

Barrday x88 2434

Barrday x88 2434 label.jpg

Barrday x88 2434 label

Barrday x84 2433 label.jpg

Barrday x84 2433 label 

 Photographs supplied by










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Canadian Experimental - possibly for Portugal

ACM composite helmet 1994 trials.jpg

ACM composite helmet 1994 trials

CDA ACM in.jpg

CDA ACM interior

"This one is an odd bird, it seems to be made of some sort of ceramic, and was made by Quebec company Advanced Composite Materials which hoped to sell it to Portugal  It was tested in 1994 by DND for "technology validation" All I know about it is on the label -
"ACM Composites Inc Rue Scott St.Jerome PQ 1/11/94 MEDIUM V50 m/s 660 1420 Gr."

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DH-197 naval helmet, made by Gentex.

CA DH197 left.jpg

CA DH197 side.jpg

CA DH197 rear.jpg

CA DH197 trauma liner.jpg

CA DH197 in.jpg

CA DH197 liner.jpg

CA DH197 front no visor.jpg

CA DH197 front.jpg

CA DH197 liner label.jpg

Gentex DH-197 Shipboard Protective Helmet. It has a ballistic (presumably kevlar) outer shell. It seems to be used by RCN gun crews

cda dh197 Shipboard helmet.jpg

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SCHUBERTH 826 - Police issue.








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"Schuberth 826 in dark blue for the police. In and outside the shell has a smooth surface. From Schuberth I have the information that only a limited number of this helmets were ordered by Canada.

 The sand coloured US style suspension is installed and fixed with non-ballistic screws. The chinstrap has no survival buckle. The shell has a white marking inside that reads SCHUBERTH  826  Gr (Gr is short for Größe - 'size' in English. In the leather band is a blue M to show it is size medium."



SCHUBERTH 826 - test examples









"Here we have a Schuberth 826 sample helmet for a contract from 17.02.1994.  So it seems that Schuberth had a contract from Canada.The label reads that the shell was made with 13 layers of the ballistic material. The paint is dark green with a rough outside. The NOSHA suspension is fixed with non ballistic screws. The chinstrap has no survival buckle. The marking inside the shell is in white and reads Schuberth  826."

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ORLITE 402 tested by Canadian Forces - two point chinstrap

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Mod Chin Strap 1 Compressed.JPG

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Mod Chin Strap 2 Compressed.JPG

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Mod Chin Strap 4 Compressed.JPG

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Mod Chin Strap 5 Compressed.JPG

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Mod Chin Strap 3 Compressed.JPG

Photographs supplied by

"An OR402 with a modified chinstrap -- two point vice three point attachment.  A redundant attachment ring in the rear does not exist so it was puposely made this way.  This helmet was tested by Canada's Land Equipment Testing Establishment (LETE)."


ORLITE 402 tested by Canadian Forces - three point chinstrap

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Std Chin Strap 1 Compressed.JPG

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Std Chin Strap 2 Compressed.JPG

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Std Chin Strap 3 Compressed.JPG

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Std Chin Strap 4 Compressed.JPG

Canada OR402 LETE Test Sample Std Chin Strap 5 Compressed.JPG

Photographs supplied by

"OR402 tested by LETE with a standard chin strap configuration.  Note the soldier's name and the unidentified inscription.  Also note that the suspension straps are black."



"A batch of photos of Mk.6, Orlite 401s and PASGTs used in trials in October 1984, including ballistic tests, and also tests to determine the best harness - so you see an Orlite with a PASGT strap and PASGTs with Orlite and Mk.6 harnesses. Overall, it was concluded that a hybrid of the Israeli helmet, with a revision of the US internal suspension and a British-type three-point chin-strap, with a direct-snap quick release feature (but no chin-cup) would best meet the Canadian Forces requirements.

In an ideal world, not dominated by the need for "defence industrial benefits"(Canadian for off-sets) the Orlite (which was already coming out with a revised quick-release chin-strap) could have been bought off-the-shelf, and Canadian soldiers would not have had to wait another 12 years for a modern helmet."


Mk6 left.jpg

Mk6 right.jpg


GS Mk6 LETE 84 test in.jpg


Orlite left1.jpg

Or402 LETE 84 test right.jpg

Or402 LETE 84 test in.jpg

CDA Isr Orlite 401 in.jpg

CDA-Isr Orlite mark.jpg

Orlite w PASGT CS 1984 trials.jpg

Orlite with PASGT chinstrap


CDA PASGT Mk6 harness front.jpg

PASGT with Mk6 chinstrap

CDA PASGT Mk6 harness in.jpg

PASGT with Mk6 chinstrap

CDA PASGT Mk6 harness right.jpg

PASGT with Mk6 chinstrap

CDA PASGT Mk6 harness left.jpg

PASGT with Mk6 chinstrap

PASGT left.jpg

PASGT w Orlite harness 1984 trials.jpg

PASGT with Orlite chinstrap

PASGT top.jpg

PASGT in.jpg

a pdf of


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